Vernon A. Wall has accumulated over 30 years of professional Student Affairs experience at Iowa State University, the University of Georgia, UNC-Charlotte and UNC-Chapel Hill. He has experience in Greek life, new student orientation, student activities, leadership development, global education and university housing. Vernon currently lives in Washington DC where he serves as the Chief of Staff for LeaderShape, Inc. Vernon is also President and Founder of One Better World, LLC – a consulting firm specializing in engaging others in courageous social justice and equity conversations. In spring of 1998 and spring of 2024, Vernon sailed with Semester at Sea as a member of the Student Life Team accompanying 500 students on a voyage around the world. Vernon is also a past President of ACPA – College Student Educators, International.
With degrees from North Carolina State University and Indiana University, Vernon is the consummate scholar-practitioner. Vernon is a nationally known speaker in the areas of social justice and leadership styles and is one of the founders and facilitators of the Social Justice Training Institute. Vernon has written several articles and has co-edited two books on issues of inclusion on today’s college campus. His award-winning programs and presentations have been seen by thousands of students, faculty, and staff on campuses across the country. Vernon’s passion for social justice and inclusion is grounded in a quote from his late grandmother: “May the work I’ve done speak for me.”
Places Vernon has been.
Vernon Wall has been all around the U.S. and Internationally too! Many of the locations below have been a part of Vernon's journey more than once and it is through these destinations that he has impacted hundreds of campuses, thousands of staff and students, and many different conferences. Take a look at just some of the places he has been a part of!
Auburn University
Alabama State RHA Conference
University of Arizona
Arizona State University
Northern Arizona University
University of Arkansas
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Channel Islands
California State University, Monterey Bay
Loyola Marymount University
Occidental College
Santa Clara University
San Jose State University
University of California, Davis
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Los Angeles
Chapman University
Sonoma University
University of San Francisco
Cal Poly Pomona
Colorado Mountain College
Colorado School of Mines
Regis University
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Colorado, Denver
Norwich University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Regional Technical Community College
Nanqatuck Community College
Connecticut College
Southern Connecticut State University
University of Delaware
American University
Human Rights Campaign
George Washington University
Florida State University
Rollins College
University of Tampa
Nova College
Stetson University
Florida RA Conference
Florida Gulf Coast University
University of Miami
Clayton State University
Georgia State University
University of Georgia
Georgia College Personnel Association
Georgia College
West Georgia College
Georgia Southern University
Emory University
Brewton Parker College
Dekalb College
Oxford College of Emory University
Gainesville College
Oglethorpe University
Augusta University
Georgia Southwestern University
Dalton College
Brunswick College
University of Idaho
DePaul University
Illinois State University
Loyola University Chicago
University of Illinois
Western Illinois University
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Northwestern University
McKendree University
Ball State University
Indiana University
Indiana State University
Purdue University
DePauw University
Indiana University Alumni Association
University of Indianapolis
Central College
Grand View University
Iowa State University
Wartburg College
Grinnell College
Cornell College
Mid-American Greek Council Association
University of Kansas
Kansas State University
Metropolitan Community College
Goucher College
University of Maryland
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Maryland College Personnel Association
Johns Hopkins University
Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University
Clark University
Massachusetts College of Arts
Simmons College
Suffolk University
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Northeastern University
Bentley University
Boston Latin School
Bunker Hill Community College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Grand Valley State University
Western Michigan University
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Hamline University
Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
University of St Thomas
University of Minnesota
Carleton College
Macalester College
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota College Personnel Association
University of Mississippi
St Louis University
Truman State University
University of Central Missouri
University of Missouri
Central Missouri State University
Washington University
Northwest Missouri State University
Westminster College
Nebraska Wesleyan University
University of Nebraska
Creighton University
Scottsbluff Public Schools
Campus Compact of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire
Rowan University
Rutgers University
Alfred University
Colgate University
New York University
New York University - Polytechnic School of Engineering
Queens College Student Services Union
Fordham University
Ithaca College
Marist College
Appalachian State University
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
University of North Carolina, Asheville
University of North Carolina, Pembroke
Wake Forest University
Davidson College
North Carolina State University
Triad RA Conference
Wingate University
Elon University
North Carolina Housing Officers
Fayetteville State University
East Carolina University
Elon University
Miami University of Ohio
Ohio State University
Ohio University
University of Dayton
Wright State University
University of Cincinnati
Bowling Green State University
Case Western Reserve University
University of Oklahoma
Lewis and Clark College
University of Oregon
Oregon State University
Portland State University
Allegheny College
Bucknell University
Keystone College
Kurtztown University
Lehigh University
University of Pittsburgh
Lafayette College
Kings College
Penn State University
Slippery Rock University
Susquehanna University
Washington & Jefferson College
Rhode Island School of Design
Clemson University Foundation
University of South Carolina
University of South Carolina - Aiken
Presbyterian College
East Tennessee State University
Texas A&M University
University of Texas - Pan American
Texas Tech University
University of Texas - Austin
Salt Lake Community College
Westminster College
University of Vermont
James Madison University
Old Dominion University
Virginia Tech
University of Virginia
University of Richmond
Randolph Macon College
George Mason University
Longwood University
Pacific Lutheran University
Saint Martin's University
University of Puget Sound
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
University of Puget Sound
Edgewood College
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
University of Wisconsin - Madison
St Norbert College
Wisconsin College Personnel Association
University of Toronto at Mississauga
ACPA - College Student Educators International
AIM-HO Conference (University Housing)
Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Ed (ANTSHE) Regional Conference
Association for University College Counselors and Centers Directors (AUCCCD)
Association of College Unions International
Association of Conference and Events Directors
Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
LeaderShape, INC (co-lead facilitator)
MACUHO RA Conference, Keynote
MGCA (Mid-American Greek Council Association)
Midwest Meeting of Graduate Students in Student Personnel
NACA National Convention, Consultant in Residence
NACA Upper Midwest Regional Conference
NACURH Consultant in Residence
NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
NASPA Region IV West Conference
National Conference on Student Services
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
NODA (orientation directors)
Planned Parenthood Southeast
SACSA (southern association of college student affairs)
Semester at Sea / Institute for Shipboard Education
WACUHO Annual Conference
White Privilege Conference